SEO Affiliate Domination

Great Details for SEO Works for You

First of all, it is necessary to choose a market niche. A niche must be of interest to you and possibly for which you have a minimum of competence. If you don’t have any skills, no problem, fortunately, skills can be acquired. The passions or interests, however, do not. In the case of SEO Affiliate Domination this is perfect.

Alternatively, if you really don’t have any interest or passion and your purpose is only to generate passive revenue, you could look at niches related to trends or new services or products that have just come out on the market. For example, if you often hear about a fashion or new product, it is possible that this is the right sector to jump into. It is just like we did in a certain trending niche which we will tell you shortly. If you don’t think of any trend, you can use the Google Trends tool to find the most searched terms at the moment. Once you have chosen the niche in which to operate, you will have to start looking for the money keywords that will allow you to generate passive revenue by promoting third party products or services.

The search for money keywords

SEO Affiliate Domination

To create passive revenue with affiliate marketing from organic traffic, you must first choose the right niche, but above all an excellent, or excellent, money keyword. That is, a keyword that has the following characteristics:

  • Good search volume (a minimum of 3,000 monthly searches recommended)
  • Low competitiveness (can the top 10 sites on Google be beaten for that keyword?)
  • Monetizable through affiliations (does the product or service I am going to promote have an affiliate program?)
  • Generous payout (minimum $ 20-30 per sale or lower amounts if the search volume is high)

If these four elements are positive, then the keyword can be called money keyword, and from there the challenge can begin. Now that we know what a money keyword is, let’s see how to look for a winning keyword to generate passive revenue with Affiliate marketing.

How to find a winning keyword

Finding a money keyword can be compared to searching for gold with a sieve, where among debris, mud and water you will have to find the small gold nugget that will bring you money.

The first ideas on hypothetical money keywords must come from thinking about the needs of your niche. It is a not very difficult task, for which you need a bit of intuition to understand the needs of users. If you really can’t think of anything, you can use the SEMrush tool, typing the term referring to your niche and see the matching keywords. You can immediately try the tool by typing the term of your niche below and then click on Match phrase to see the keywords that you could use to generate traffic and monetize it:

  • Is it the right keyword?
  • Get to know the search volume of your keyword now

Before going into details, we want to explain to you through some of my examples or case studies.

Niche is chosen to start from a trend: Bitcoin

As some of your bet, we too got involved in the trend of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. But, as a good web marketer, we looked at it from a different perspective. Will there be research volume? Are they monetizable? Will payouts be generous? Without any tool, it was already very easy to guess that the answers to all these questions would have been ultra-positive, especially for the period of the end of the year 2017.